The lower limb: ERGON Sports IASTM

Boost athletic performance and treat injuries and pathologies of the knees and ankles.

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100 Every 3 months
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100% online education Enroll now and learn online anywhere from your desktop, laptop and mobile.

Self-paced learning Learn at your own schedule without pressing deadlines.

Shareable Certificate Earned upon completion (no final exams).

Beginner Level No previous IASTM experience required.

3 days course Approximately 15 hours to complete.

Reading material – Extensive supplemental reading materials

English language Subtitles: English.


You will learn:

  • Theoretical basis of IASTM and its effect on the treatment of the lower limb.
  • The proper use of clinical equipment (ERGON Tools) to safely:
    • warm-up tissues before the game or before training to enhance performance and
      prevent injuries
    • reduce recovery time after the game or after training
    • assess myofascial restrictions of the lower limb with special focus on the knee and ankle
    • treat major musculoskeletal pathologies/injuries of the lower limb
    • gradually elevate treatment intensity and enrich with dynamic treatment techniques
    • combine ERGON and kinesiotherapy to achieve full functional rehabilitation.

Applicable knowledge

Video includes techniques, practical applications and strokes, for:

  1.  enhancing sports performance and recovery (pre- and port- game techniques), including:
    1. accelerating tissue recovery through increased blood flow and fibroblasts activation
    2. restoring elasticity of soft tissue
    3. increasing muscle tension around joints increase histamine response after mast cell action
    4. reducing pain and muscle spasm
    5. restoring range of motion of joints
    6. contributing to functional rehabilitation
    7. improving blood and lymph flow
  2.  treating all common lower limb injuries and pathologies including:
    1. muscle strains
    2. collateral ligament sprains
    3. painful contractures and myofascial trigger points
    4. knee tendinopathies (anterior knee pain)
    5. chondromalacia patellae
    6. pes anserinus bursitis
    7. Osgood-Schlatter pathology and
    8. postural problems (knee varus or valgus)
    9. gastrocnemius or soleus muscle strains
    10. shin splints
    11. painful contractures after fractures immobilization
    12. Achilles tendinopathies
    13. retrocalcaneal bursitis.


Who is it for?

This course is addressed to rehabilitation and healthcare professionals and students. Prior experience in soft tissue mobilization techniques is not needed.



 A. Introduction: The ERGON IASTM treatment effects

Let’s get started with an introductory brief to learn about mechanical and neurophysiological adaptations of IASTM and the ERGON IASTM therapy effects.

B. The ERGON Technique Treatment Protocols

B1. Knee injuries & pathologies: The ERGON Technique Treatment Protocol

First, watch the video showcasing all practical applications and techniques, and then, read the training manual of this course to get deeper insights on the IASTM treatment of knee injuries and pathologies. You may wish to watch the video again to revisit practical parts of the treatment.

B2. Ankle injuries & pathologies: The ERGON Technique Treatment Protocol

First, watch the video showcasing all practical applications and techniques, and then, read the training manual of this course to get deeper insights on the IASTM treatment of ankle injuries and pathologies. You may wish to watch the video again to revisit practical parts of the treatment.

B3. Optimization of Sports Performance and Recovery Enhancement

First, watch the video showcasing all practical applications and techniques, and then, read the training manual of this course to get deeper insights on this IASTM treatment protocol. You may wish to watch the video again to revisit practical parts of the treatment.

C. Extra: IASTM Safety

1. IASTM Precautions & Contraindications: Read and understand the conditions when IASTM cannot be safely applied as part of a rehabilitation treatment program.

2. Safety of IASTM Tools Use: Read the rules for safe use of ERGON IASTM tools and IASTM tools in general



How do I enroll to the Course?

You can easily enroll to the Course. Create your online account. Complete payment online.

What is the refund policy?

Once you enroll you gain full access to all course material. Therefore, we do not offer refunds for our online courses.

For how long do I have access to the Course Material?

Your access starts once you enroll and lasts for exactly 3 months.

Do I receive a Certificate?

When you complete the course, a Certificate is issued to your name free of charge and added to your online account. From there, you may download and share this Certificate as needed.

Is the course available on desktop and mobile?

The course is specially developed to be available on mobile and laptop or desktop computer.

Is this course developed by ERGON TECHNIQUE?

This course is designed and realized by ERGON TECHNIQUE. It incorporates knowledge and techniques as taught in our in-class courses.

Will I earn university credit for completing the Course?

This Course does not carry university credit.

